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Colombia is the world’s fourth largest coal producer. Alabama-based mining company Drummond ships about 90,000 tons of coal from the nation’s Caribbean coast daily. The company has faced a slew of accusations of environmental recklessness since it began operating in Colombia in 1995. This report includes interviews with residents of the port city Santa Marta, about how Drummond is impacting their lives.

In Colombia, rural villagers who fled their homes during the long years of civil war can now go back. Initially displaced and forced into urban areas, these villagers had a hard time adjusting to city life. Now, though, they find that their children have adapted in ways the older generations hasn’t, and that they are returning to a home that is not quite the same as it was when they left. Reporter Jennifer Dunn meets a family of aging coffee farmers who are trying to make a new start on their land in the face of immense odds.


Hainan's Bachelors: surpluss men struggle to find wives
Public Radio Remix, NHPR, World Vision Report


Over 30 years ago China instated the one child policy, limiting urban families to one child and most rural families to two children. In a country dominated for thousands of years by a preference for boys, many families have resorted to extreme measures, including sex-selective abortion, to ensure that their only child would be a son. The first generation of one child policy babies are now of marrying age, and the number of men in China unable to find wives is approaching 20 million. This story explores the consequences of China's skewed gender ratio-and surpluss of bachelors- in one rural region struggling with one of the severest gender imbalances in the nation.

China's Undocumented Children
Public Radio Remix, NHPR, World Vision Report

China's growing gender gap is a reflection of parents' struggles to balance law and tradition under the one-child policy. Sex-selective abortion is an illegal but widely documented cause of the male surpluss in China's population. But it is also due to the fact that millions of female births were never reported, so that parents could try again for a boy. 


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